Category: microservices

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The Cloud’s the Limit for Secure, Complaint, Identity Storage, and Personal Data

Back in 2009, I gave a talk about Cloud identity. It went down, less like a fluffy Cloud and more like a lead balloon. It was too early – way too early. But as we reach peak Cloud adoption, with rates of uptake reaching 93%, the sky’s the limit for digital identity. Cloud computing has…
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What Happens If… Disaster Recovery for the Smart City and Beyond

Crisis planning is integral to many cities across the planet and we see it in use when natural disasters strike. When the magnitude 9 earthquake hit Japan in 2011, previous disaster planning kicked in. But the response has been criticized because of the predictive limitations that informed the disaster recovery attempts. Other criticisms highlighted too…
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Data as a Smart Superstructure: A Warning to the Wise

In a previous article, I talked about how we need to build a smart identity for a smart city. The article, hopefully, pointed to building a perspective on what smart actually means. But, smart cities are built up from many smart pieces. These ‘smart pieces’ are really just an evolution of our current critical infrastructures…
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Microservices for IAM: Container Security and Personal Data

Identity and access management has become a bit of a beast. It has gone from a system that was contained within an Enterprise, usually directory driven, for very controlled purposes, to something that impinges upon almost every aspect of our daily lives. This has been driven by a number of factors: Cloud computing changing the…
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