Kuppinger Cole Awards Avoco “Outstanding in Identity Attribute Collection”

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Kuppinger Cole Awards Avoco “Outstanding in Identity Attribute Collection”

Avoco Secure are proud to be described as “Outstanding in Identity Attribute Collection” in the latest KuppingerCole Market Compass for “Providers of Verified Identity”. KuppingerCole described our technology as:

Avoco provides an identity hub which is situated between the data sources and a relying party and uses an identity API to call identity data for verification, authentication, etc. when needed

  • Is a streamlined option to benefit from already verified bank IDs and other digital identities
  • An innovative approach to enabling reuse across identity ecosystems
  • Connects to decentralized solutions to enable reuse of verified identities”

The Market Compass covers a wide-variety of vendors who work in the Verified Identity space. The Verified Identity Market Compass is a “future-oriented assessment” looking at how well products handle the entire lifecycle, customer expectations, data privacy, compliance for KYC/AML regulations, and usability.

Avoco has been working in the area of identity verification for over a decade. Our orchestration API provides a way to bring identity data together, to generate a flexible and dynamic ecosystem that delivers verified data, makes decisions based on that data, helps with protocol translation, and provides easy onboarding and connectivity for all stakeholders, including relying parties, identity providers, as well as the consumer.

Sandy Porter, Avoco CEO says “I am extremely proud of our technology and the team behind our API. Avoco has perfected the middle-layer needed to make complex identity and data transactions work in the real world

Avoco integrate’s with many data sources, verification services, and Open Banking APIs to deliver powerful, secure, and privacy enhanced identity-based transactions.

Other companies awarded outstanding in the Market Compass include Thales, Microsoft, and Ping Identity.

You can purchase the KuppingerCole Report to read more details…

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