Just add trust...to transact
Digital identity has been a challenging area of technology. One of the core reasons for this challenge is the myriad of complex use cases and user journeys that must be handled. Over the years, various solutions have attempted to address the needs of consumers, employees, relying parties, identity management solutions, and many other stakeholders in…
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Discover the role of open banking in citizen verification and identity assurance. Learn how it provides a starting point for secure transactions and enhances data checks.
Discover the complexities of the identity space and the concept of “identifying journeys” as a new approach to building more inclusive digital services in 2024.
When a new technology or process appears, you need something distinct, uncomplicated, and beneficial to prove the point. Open banking is an example of a disruptive force that looks set to shake up incumbent systems such as direct debits; Juniper Research expects open banking to handle more than $116 billion in global payment transactions by 2026. Variable Recurring Payments…
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Lessons for identity from real-time payments and mobile wallets Ask anyone in the digital identity world, and invariably they will say that identifying someone to do a transaction is complicated. Anyone who thinks you can present a mobile wallet and bingo, you are verified to transact, is the equivalent of saying a swan glides but…
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