Just add trust...to transact
Identity systems are evolving down the same pathways that authentication followed. Welcome to the era of multi-factor verification (MFV). In the tech world, change is sometimes evolutionary, sometimes revolutionary, and often fails. Over time, technology comes and goes, and sometimes technology improves. One of the areas that has seen a lot of change is authentication.…
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Discover how deepfake technology is revolutionizing synthetic identity fraud, costing businesses billions. Learn how to protect your business from deepfake fraud. #DeepfakeFraud #IdentityVerification #AIFraud
The notion of the identity ecosystem is not new. However, the alignment of data, APIs, and modern protocols has created a perfect environment for that identity ecosystem to thrive Users of online services demand a simple, secure, and low-friction experience. They don’t want to go through a complicated onboarding process with the result that they…
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When your customer or a citizen can’t get a verified identity using online services, you must turn to vouching Avoco’s has been designing effective vouching services for over a decade. Back in 2011, Avoco developed a vouching service alongside our partners for the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). The underlying identity system had matching issues because…
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When a new technology or process appears, you need something distinct, uncomplicated, and beneficial to prove the point. Open banking is an example of a disruptive force that looks set to shake up incumbent systems such as direct debits; Juniper Research expects open banking to handle more than $116 billion in global payment transactions by 2026. Variable Recurring Payments…
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Lessons for identity from real-time payments and mobile wallets Ask anyone in the digital identity world, and invariably they will say that identifying someone to do a transaction is complicated. Anyone who thinks you can present a mobile wallet and bingo, you are verified to transact, is the equivalent of saying a swan glides but…
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Avoco Secure began work on the initial one-year project in February 2022 with an option for further extensions. A key commitment within Scotland’s Digital Strategy is the introduction of a digital identity service. The digital identity service will establish a trusted and secure service for people to prove who they are and/or that they are…
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Avoco Secure are proud to be described as “Outstanding in Identity Attribute Collection” in the latest KuppingerCole Market Compass for “Providers of Verified Identity”. KuppingerCole described our technology as: “Avoco provides an identity hub which is situated between the data sources and a relying party and uses an identity API to call identity data for…
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Avoco on GCloud12 for UK Gov procurement