Category: government

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Avoco joins G-Cloud 14 UK Gov Procurement Platform

Avoco’s Multi-factor verification and identity products are now on G-Cloud 14 for UK Government Procurement Avoco has consistently qualified as an official Cloud Software supplier for the UK government. Avoco are proud to be included on the latest government procurement platform, G-Cloud 14. Avoco’s verification orchestration service and related products are now available as part…
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Is open banking data enough to verify citizens?

Discover the role of open banking in citizen verification and identity assurance. Learn how it provides a starting point for secure transactions and enhances data checks.

Identifying people in 2024 needs system thinking

Discover the complexities of the identity space and the concept of “identifying journeys” as a new approach to building more inclusive digital services in 2024.

What is identity vouching?

When your customer or a citizen can’t get a verified identity using online services, you must turn to vouching Avoco’s has been designing effective vouching services for over a decade. Back in 2011, Avoco developed a vouching service alongside our partners for the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). The underlying identity system had matching issues because…
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The case for an open loop identity system

Lessons for identity from real-time payments and mobile wallets Ask anyone in the digital identity world, and invariably they will say that identifying someone to do a transaction is complicated. Anyone who thinks you can present a mobile wallet and bingo, you are verified to transact, is the equivalent of saying a swan glides but…
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GCloud 13 and Avoco

Avoco on GCloud12 for UK Gov procurement

Open Banking – The answer to reducing fraud and streamlining access to government services

Government services have been on a roller coaster ride for years now as technologies come and go. This situation is not unique to the UK. Government bodies across the world are actively trying to tackle the issues of customer engagement using identity tools. In the UK, even with the efforts of Verify, we still have…
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